Living Wage Employer 3

Living Wage Employer 3

Our mission as a company is to provide our staff with the safe and fair workplace. In the cleaning industry, workers are often paid minimum or even below minimum wages due to people being exploited with unfair contracts. People are often made to work as a...
Living Wage Employer 2

Living Wage Employer 2

Being part of the local community and to contribute to the local economy is super important for us as a small business who relies on local employment and local customers. Through engaging with the local councils, specifically with the West Lothian and Edinburgh...
Living Wage Employer 1

Living Wage Employer 1

Since becoming accredited in 2021, we have fully embraced the ethos of the Living Wage foundation. We felt really proud for taking this step and wanted to promote it to our existing and potential clients, as well as our employees. This is why we were delighted to be...
WES awards

WES awards

I had an honour to attend the Women’s Enterprise Scotland’s awards dinner as a part of the Bright Red Triangle team. Thanks for the invite Emma! The room was filled with businesswomen from all over Scotland, full of energy celebrating their successes. I feel so...


Since I started doing my business full-time and hiring new staff, I have made lots of mistakes. First of all, I thought a good manager is someone who monitored people constantly. I thought that was managing, but I was so wrong. When I tried to control everything that...


I feel like accountability is lacking in our society now. People are running away from problems and difficult situations. That is why one of our Core values are to “Be Accountable”. Some people do think that time that burying problem is much better than...