PCS and COVID19: looking after our team and our customers.

At this time of emergency, I would like to point out that PCS is committed to provide the necessary hygiene & maintenance services to all of our clients to protect their health. It is our responsibility and duty to protect our clients and of course, our staff.

Please see below for some FAQ’s to clarify some of the concerns that were highlighted.

Q. Will you still be providing cleaning services as normal?

A. Yes, we will. We will not cancel any cleaning without any notice as we put great pride in being a reliable cleaning contractor. We are here to get things done and this does not change.

Q. Will PCS inform the client of any ‘at risk’ employee?

A. Yes, they will be asked to self-isolate for the required period of time.

Q. What safety precautions are we taking to minimise the risk of your workplace being contaminated by the PCS staff?

A. We use cleaning products that are BS EN 1276 standard which is effective to combat spread of diseases. Our staff always used disposable gloves and appropriate PPE when entering client’s premises. We use microfibre cloths that are washed after every use.

In addition to that, we will get in touch if there will be any confirmed cases of illness amongst our staff members who attend your premises.

Q. What happens if one of our clients report a confirmed case to PCS?

A. We would inform you if the cleaning staff working on your premises had any contact with the other premises.

We are closely monitoring our staff’s health and wellbeing.

If anything changes in relation to this, we will let you know as soon as possible.

In this difficult time, it is important that we cooperate, look out for each other and help those who are in need.

If you have any questions/concerns at all, please do let myself know and I would be more than happy to discuss/answer any of your questions.

Managing Director

Sarah Aoki