Another fab morning at the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) networking!

Great presentation about goal setting and taking yourself to a next level by Nick Sellers.

Recently I have been very busy with both business and in my personal life.

I basically look after my daughter for the entire day, while doing my business at the moment.

Can’t wait for her to start her nursery in August(in the best way possible😎), where I will get some time for myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with her, but I gotta work too😂

It is difficult now but I am somehow managing.

In the presentation Nick spoke about the limited belief system weighing you down and not been able to reach your true potential.

At the moment sometimes I am in this deep 💩 I feel like and I am overwhelmed with everything, childcare, housework and business.

When things like this happen, writing it down really helps.

It is actually my birthday today, and I was thinking about when my daughter was born.

This time 3 years ago, we were in a hospital, with my newborn daughter in an ICU.

Nobody knew what was going on with my baby and everyday I felt like just getting over day by day, it was tough.

I spent 2 months in a hospital with my little one. I had to work even though I was in a hospital with my little one, with a crappy hospital internet…!

I was desperate to keep my business together, and to be with my daughter 24/7 during this extremely difficult times for all of us.

But somehow we managed to pull through this even deeper pile of 💩 I feel like now, and here we are.

I had a moment to reflect today when I was driving home from this event and felt so much happiness and gratitude of what I had in life.

I have a loving wee family in Scotland, amazing husband who looks after me really well, and my wee crazy daughter who loves running around and loves listening to and making music.

I have more families in Japan🇯🇵 and in Poland🇵🇱 who always cares and looks after us.

I have great friends from all over the world.

We have a successful business that we built from scratch with now my husband.

We have wonderful people working hard in our business, and great clients who are trusting us to provide a great service for them.

I have a wonderful house with a wee garden that I pick some fruits and herbs from.

Everyday I try to be a better person than yesterday as a business owner, manager, mum, friend and as a wife.

Life is good!!

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