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Gender Pay Reporting

Despite not being required by the law to report on the gender pay gap Perfect Cleaning Solutions Limited prides itself in transparency and the way that each employee is treated fairly and with utmost respect. That is why we have voluntarily conducted Gender Pay Gap study in our organisation and we are very proud to say that pay awards and progression within the company is not correlated with gender. We strongly believe in equal opportunities for everyone and the findings of our study confirm that.

The data for 2017/2018 fiscal year has been compiled and verified by Alan Konopka, Finance Director and the results can be found below:

Women’s hourly rate is 1.89% lower (mean) and 1.25% lower (median)

  • Women’s bonus pay is 0% lower (mean) and 0% lower (median)
  • 0% of men and 0% of women received bonus pay
  • As at 31 March 2018 top salary quartile has 100% women and 0% men
  • As at 31 March 2018 upper middle salary quartile has 67% women and 33% men
  • As at 31 March 2018 lower middle salary quartile has 0% women and 0% men
  • As at 31 March 2018 lower salary quartile has 73% women and 27% men

We have used the government website https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2017/9780111152010 to establish the way of calculating the numbers. The only numbers that have not been taken as averages were salary quartiles. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the year there were no male employees in the business working full time and the skewness of the results would not result in a true picture. Numbers used for this calculation were taken as at 31 March 2018. We believe that this represent the state of our workforce in a correct manner.