Keeping It Clean and Green: Eco-Friendly Cleaning for Commercial Spaces

In today’s environmentally-conscious world, businesses are seeking more sustainable practices in all areas of their operations – including cleaning and maintenance. Traditional cleaning products and methods can be harsh on the environment, using caustic chemicals and generating excessive waste. However, there are now many effective eco-friendly cleaning techniques that allow facilities to maintain a high level of cleanliness and sanitation while minimizing their environmental impact. Here are some best practices for green cleaning in commercial settings:

1. Use Green Seal Certified Products
Green Seal is an independent non-profit organization that certifies products based on rigorous standards for environmental impact and performance. Look for the Green Seal on cleaning products like all-purpose cleaners, floor cleaners, degreasers, and hand soaps. These formulas are biodegradable, low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and contain minimal or no harsh ingredients.

2. Implement Microfiber Technology
Microfiber cloths and mops use a dense weave of ultrafine synthetic fibres to effectively remove dirt, grease, and bacteria through capillary action rather than chemicals. Microfiber cleaning requires less water and chemicals than traditional methods, making it a more eco-friendly choice.

3. Use Efficient Cleaning Equipment
Invest in up-to-date cleaning equipment designed for efficient use of chemicals, water, and energy. Look for vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters to trap fine particulates, autoscrubbers with calibrated chemical dispensers, and automated systems that release disinfecting mists in optimal amounts.

4. Adopt Green Cleaning Procedures
Simple tweaks to cleaning procedures can have a significant environmental impact. For example, remove litter and dust first before deeper wet cleaning to reduce chemical use. Use reusable cloths and mops instead of disposable paper products. Revisit cleaning frequencies and reduce chemicals/water if areas are not heavily soiled.

5. Promote Proper Hand Hygiene
Keeping hands clean is essential in any facility, but harsh antibacterial soaps are unnecessary and can contribute to antibiotic resistance. Encourage proper 20-second handwashing with mild, fragrance-free soap and warm water. Supplement with eco-friendly foaming hand sanitizers in convenient areas.

6. Implement Recycling and Composting
A commercial cleaning program isn’t truly green without responsible waste management practices. Provide ample, well-labelled recycling bins and composting of organic waste like paper towels when possible. Instruct staff on what can be recycled or composted to maximize diversion from landfills.
We works closely with Change Waste Recycling to provide recycling solutions for your premises!

7. Integrate Green Pest Control Methods
Rather than blanket spraying of pesticides, use integrated pest management (IPM) tactics like sealing entry points, baits, and traps to control insects and rodents. Maintain a regular deep cleaning schedule to remove food sources that attract pests.
PCS works closely with a local pest control service that helps our clients.

8. Prioritise Staff Training
The human factor is critical to successfully implementing any green cleaning program. Provide thorough training for custodial staff on proper procedures, dilution rates, and storage of eco-friendly products. Post instructions and quick references in visible areas as reinforcement.

By adopting these best practices for eco-friendly cleaning, commercial facilities can maintain outstanding cleanliness and sanitation while reducing their environmental footprint. Making the switch to green is easier than ever with the wide range of certified products, equipment, and techniques available today. Every business can do their part to keep it both clean and green!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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